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Showing posts from December 18, 2018

Merry X-Mas!

It inevitably happens around this time of year…a card, gift bag, or present with the “abbreviation” of the holiday greeting “Merry X-Mas!” Merry WHAT??? Wait just a minute! In today’s societal norms of “being offended” by everything, I might be quick to emphatically state, “Don't you dare replace the name of "Christ" with an "X!" Now, of course, I'm being a little facetious, but in all honesty, I can't tell you how irritating it was and how angry it made me when I would see someone who would use an "X" instead of "Christ" when displaying or writing out the word "Christmas." The same was true for any marquee, business or sign that displayed that big 'ol "X" instead of the name of "Christ." I thought "how lazy, irreverent, and sacrilegious must you be to 'x-out' Christ?" Until I learned an interesting theological point behind the "X" did I finally become comfortable...