The Sunday sermon. Just that statement, alone, provokes many different thoughts and opinions. It isn’t easy. The Pastor’s challenge is how to be faithful to the Scripture without diluting the truth to conform to the pressures of social norms, or the latest philosophical fads of progressive thinking. Also, there is the battle of not succumbing to the world of entertainment by downplaying the holiness of Scripture by the over-use of humor, theatrics and boisterous antics in the pulpit. Where’s the balance? We don’t want to bore our people to sleep? We really don’t want people to mentally check out on us….do we? How do we maintain interest and connect with people on a deep spiritual realm so that they desire to listen, learn, and become dynamic members of the church who reflect the light of Christ? The dynamic involved is keeping the message simple . However, simplicity does not mean hovering in the realms of shallowness. Simplicity is not a “free pass” for the pastor not...
Clever, Missouri (Christian County)