We are grateful for the technology of social networking companies that allows access to one another. This connection spans the globe and instantaneously puts us in touch without any cost to us. Posting pictures, telling a story, griping about an unfortunate incident, or just wanting to make a statement, we are glad for social media platforms that gives us this outlet. This is nothing new. It just a new means of expressing a time-old tradition of communicating with one another.When Jesus gave us the "Great Commission" to "go unto the world" to make disciples, he was initiating what we would call, today, "social networking." I guess you could say that Jesus invented it...sorry Facebook! I think the Great Commission is much like "Facebook" and a lot like "Twitter" where we share our lives and our faith by everyday, ordinary means of communication and socializing with one another in verbal and visual ways. Helping a neighbor in their ga...
Clever, Missouri (Christian County)