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Showing posts from September 23, 2021

Open My Mouth

  The Apostle Paul wrote a very powerful statement from of all places, prison . His final word to the Church is Ephesus states in Ephesians 6:19 , “Pray for me also. Pray that I might open my mouth without fear. Pray that I will use the right words to preach that which is hard to understand in the Good News.” Wouldn’t that be a tremendous prayer for all of us to include daily? Perhaps it could be added as a doxology to our devotional time? It seems that today is begging more and more for Christians to tell them about the Good News of Jesus Christ. The more often we speak up and speak out, we’ll soon find it isn’t quite as scary as the first time. Each opportunity presented to us will become easier to “say something” and it will grow more natural and stronger the more often we respond.  If we stay prepared, continually study, and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, it will be as Paul said that we will always be in a position to “use the right words.” Matthew 10:19 also t...