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Showing posts from January 29, 2019

The Approach to Evangelism

I believe one of the greatest fears amongst Christians is the one thing we are called to do most often: evangelize ! I think the reason most Christians find it so hard is that they have this idea that to evangelize “properly” you must "bombard them with everything" all at once to “win them to Christ” on the first encounter. Evangelism, instead, is not an “all at once” cold-sell approach, but a process of allowing God to work over a period of time through your personality, talents and faithfulness to draw someone into His kingdom. It is through our constant actions and attitudes that God builds the bridges that allow us to share the Gospel when the opportunity presents itself. It cannot be forced. It must be allowed to come in its proper time and place. The time will come and we must be ready. The saying is true: “People will not listen until they have first been heard and people will not care unless they first see that you sincerely care about them.” Because evan...