Maybe I'm wrong, but it seems to me that hostility towards Christians and the Christian faith is on the rise. I'm not talking about people who just "get mad," but those who openly express their deep anger towards Christianity, God, the Bible and the Church. To them, everything associated with Christianity must be silenced, removed, marginalized and mocked. Anger that spews forth venomous wrath, vile language and actions of blind furry towards all that is sacred. They seem to be on an energetic crusade to have anything and everything that is "Christian" stripped away and wiped clean from our society. WHY? I wonder why they are so adamant about stopping Christianity because it sure doesn't seem that they are overly concerned about stopping the message of other faiths. I think I might know why! Could it be that we, as Christians, are setting a poor example to others about God? Are we REALLY portraying God the right way? According to Nehemiah 9...
Clever, Missouri (Christian County)