The story of the “Good Samaritan” ( Luke 10:25–37) is a popular, yet fascinating, story in the Bible. Probably because it is shocking, against societal norms, and makes the “bad guy” out to be the hero and the “good guys” end up looking like real jerks. To fully understand the story, one must first realize how despised and mistreated the Samaritans were in Bible-times. They were outcasts….literally, shunned “half-breeds” and hated with a passion. Much like the Serbs and Muslims in Bosnia or the Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland….there was definitely no love towards them at all. That’s what makes this story of the “Good Samaritan” so special. It is a call for us to rise above ALL descriptions, labels, acronyms, races, religions and all other attributes given to humanity that segregates us into so many different categories and just simply love each other unconditionally. No matter what color….what country we’re from….whether they are even good, bad, illegal,...
Clever, Missouri (Christian County)