We have reached the pinnacle of the Christian faith: Holy Week. For some, it is referred to as “The Triduum” which begins after Palm Sunday and includes Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Resurrection. Why is this so special….or, maybe be bold enough to ask, “why should I care?” Well, Holy Week is the most solemn and glorious week in Christianity, the pinnacle of the liturgical year. This is because Holy Week commemorates the final week of Our Lord's life and the establishment of the New Covenant. Here is why we should care : HOLY THURSDAY: Jesus sets the example. He washes the Disciples’ feet (John 13:14-15) and gathers them in the Upper Room. Here Jesus is literally celebrating the Jewish Passover with them….but then, stops at the institution of the Third Cup (Cup of Blessing) …as told in Mark 14:22-26, Jesus introduces the NEW covenant by telling his Disciples to both “eat” and “drink” his body and blood given and shed for them (and for us). I am sure, knowing t...
Clever, Missouri (Christian County)