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Showing posts from June 12, 2020

The Heart Must Change

Just like you, I have seen video clips or have read a plethora of responses to the alleged racial issues plaguing our country. However good and helpful some discussions, responses, and “fixes” may be, we still have those that are a bit extreme and unnecessary to bring healing. What is the answer? What is the fix? Whether it is disbanding Police Departments, bringing down Confederate (or any) monuments and flags, or trying to “rewrite history” to make us feel better, it is still a momentary solution to an ongoing problem. All the laws of Country, State, County and City are still not enough to deter crime, hate, prejudice and other forms of lawlessness. Sadly, we don’t need any more laws. What we have in place, now, is enough to cover everything we need for a just society. So, then what’s the issue? Jeremiah 17:9 , ““The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?” What we have is a heart problem. The Hebrew...