Epiphany ... have you ever heard of such a word? Although, you may humorously want to say “Gesundheit” after saying the word out loud, it is actually a significant event of the Church calendar. Epiphany, the twelfth day after Christmas, is when the Church marks the conclusion of the Christmas season. Usually, most Churches will celebrate Epiphany the first Sunday of the New Year. Many families will mark Epiphany by taking down the Christmas tree and decorations. The word " Epiphany " means "to show" or "to reveal." It is also a historical date because it marks the arrival of the "three wise men" from the east who came "to show" and "to reveal" to all the world that this little 2-year-old toddler was Lord and King (Matthew 2:9-11) This is why we celebrate Epiphany ! We celebrate to recall how God has been "showing" and "revealing" Himself to us ever since that one night the Kings o...
Clever, Missouri (Christian County)