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Showing posts from June 5, 2020

Deliver Us From Evil

The months of March through June of 2020 have been quite the spectacle of emotions, tensions, anxiety and even fear. If a pandemic of COVID-19 were not enough to challenge us, we found ourselves staring glued to our media devices watching riots, looting, destruction and protesting take over many of our major cities. Now, take all of that and add the political climate in our country with the insipid, vile and volatile hatred many are expressing towards the President of the United States, we could be easily conclude that there is a lot of evil and hate in our Country. Jesus comforted us in John 16:33 , by saying “…In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” I believe this ties in with the reason Jesus taught us to pray for such troubling times. Jesus teaches us to pray, in Matthew 6:13 “…but deliver us from evil.” For many years, I have always assumed that this part of the prayer was just referring to Satan and his demons. Although...