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Showing posts from February 25, 2019

How is Your Faith?

Sometimes the Lord does things in our lives whether or not we have faith. That scares me, at times, to think that my lack of faith (or effort) could cause God to “go on ahead without me” and accomplish a task or mission despite me. That God loves me so much that despite my response, He will still take care of me and have my best interest in mind. Having faith is extremely important in the life of a Believer. Jesus emphasized that time and time again to us in Scripture. For example, Jesus told the father of a demon-possessed son: "Everything is possible for anyone who has faith" ( Mark 9:23 ). The father realized that Jesus was calling him to exercise a deep, trusting faith. So he exclaimed: "I do have faith! Help the little faith I have!" ( Mark 9:24 ) In that situation, Jesus called not only the father to faith but also Jesus' disciples and the large crowd with them. Jesus said:  "What an unbelieving lot you are! How long must I remain with you?...