Mark 1:35 is used often to support personal prayer time that is intentional, void of distractions, and interruptions. It tells of Jesus spending “alone time” with God. It says, “Early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up and slipped out to a solitary place to pray.” We need our own prayer time. We need our “alone time” where it is just “me and God” and nothing else. I am more convinced, than ever before, that there’s no way any of us can reach our full spiritual potential as Christian men and women without developing an intentional, strong, deep life of daily personal prayer. True love demands union. True union with God comes only through the life of prayer. I honestly believe God is not going to fully satisfy your spiritual needs, and you are not going to be entirely pleasing to Him, unless you make the time and the effort to have a strong, deep life of daily personal prayer. Your relationship with God depends entirely on how much and how well you are ...
Clever, Missouri (Christian County)