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Showing posts from December, 2019

Letting Go of the Past

It is understandable that events in our past can be regretful, haunting and possibly crippling in our ability to move forward and make progress in a healthy and positive direction. In a proper healing environment, we can make strides in deepening our coping skills that make each day better than the one before. Despite the depth of grief, regret, frustration, disappointment and even self-blame over our past, we have to come to the realization that it is most healthy to move forward. I am, in no way, suggesting that we refuse to deal with the past, deny it or go on pretending that it never happened. We can enter each day with a greater perspective because of how we chose to deal with “yesterday” in a healthy, spiritual way. Isaiah 43:18 , tells us, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” The literal Hebrew says, “Do not call to mind the former things or ponder things of the past.” It is not saying we refuse to acknowledge what has happened. It is not saying th...

The Lowest Price is 30!

Worth! We have a human desire within us to be appreciated, recognized and to feel a worth that we are contributing and making a difference. We place value and worth on things that are important to us like our family, career, personal possessions and investments to include even our own life. Matthew 6:21 tells us that “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” It is undeniable that where our treasures are in this life, is where our heart will lead us. What you place value upon and those things that are most important to you is where you will focus your attention, energies, and finances to pursue. So, I have to ask. What is most important to you? What is most valuable in your life? I hope, above and beyond, it is your relationship with Jesus Christ . Even Jesus challenged us with such a relationship when he spoke in Luke 14:26 , “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—su...

The Glory of the Lord

We’ve heard the Christmas story many times and it is read aloud during this time of the season as well. The focus, of course, is that the Angels appeared out in the fields to tell the Shepherds that the baby Jesus had been born. I know some of you already know this, but have you ever stopped to really “dissect” the events of that night? Yes…the Angels. Yes…the Heavenly Host. Yes…the Shepherds. We get it!! But, wait, there is something else “there” during that announcement. Actually, I should say, SOMEONE else is there. In Luke 2:9 , “…and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them.” It wasn’t the Angels or the Heavenly Host that terrified them (although their sudden appearance could do that). They were terrified because God suddenly appeared in radiant form along with the Angels. The announcement was of such indescribable importance to the world that God was physically present as a testament to its truth. Yes, God was physically "there" that holy night...

Forgiveness Sets Us Free

The last page of the calendar is now showing prominently and a blanket of snow covers our lands under a blanket of glistening flakes and sparkling powder. This image reminds me of the words of the Lord in Isaiah 1:18, “…Although your sins are like scarlet, I will make them white as snow….” Forgiveness can set us free from many things. Forgiveness of sins is a message of hope and a promise of being reconciled to God through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. That is a message we need to hear always and especially in the weeks leading to Christmas Day. People need to know that there is a hope for the future….a way to make amends for mistakes and a way to recover from regrets of wasted time and life passed. Life is hard, challenging and even sometimes discouraging, if not, life-altering. The Holiday season can, sometimes, magnify these troubling issues to make them seem worse than they really are. We need help rising above these challenges the world (and life) throws at us....