I believe most of us can quote some of the words of the “Great Commission” found in Matthew 28. I am pretty sure those words would include “go and make disciples” and something about baptizing. That is correct if you are just looking at Matthew 28:19 ! However, if we move into verse 20, we see that the “Great Commission” expands beyond going, making, and baptizing when Jesus adds “…and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” When it comes to the “Great Commission,” we are not only instructed to “go” and “make” and then “baptize” disciples, we are also to be actively teaching others to obey what Jesus commanded. Let’s look at all these steps. First: Go! This is a very important word. First off, it is a command which must be obeyed. Secondly, it is not designating one specific place. Why? Because the proper translation of the Greek language for “go” means “as you are going.” That means, we are prepared to make disciples wherever we are at the moment....
Clever, Missouri (Christian County)