I was reading through one of my daily devotionals and, like always, there are those that strike me in a stronger way. This particular day highlighted Luke 15:2, which makes one profound statement: “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” There’s nothing complicated about what Jesus is doing! I believe it is our approach to ministry that complicates the steps we take to introduce Jesus to others. Jesus had no boundaries. He was willing to engage Samaritans as much as the Jews and Gentiles. There are times we get so focused on “getting them saved” or “getting them to Church” that we forget the most important “first step” of establishing a relationship . Befriending and showing the love of God by being a neighbor and friend. This devotion went on to say, “God rejects sin but not sinners. He seeks them out to free them from the misery. All love should work thus: not condemning but helping even if it is only with a silent prayer. Do I pray for the conversion of souls?” ...
Clever, Missouri (Christian County)