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Showing posts from December, 2018

Joy....Now More Than Ever!

Recently, I have become even more aware of a growing trend within me. It seems that I am encountering an unusual amount of disappointment that has been "challenging my joy!" I am not saying that I am purposely trying to be a pessimist or “looking” for every situation to be where “the glass is half empty instead of half full.” I am talking about things that are more than just a misunderstanding when things turn out differently than I expected. It is missing the mark or out-right failure of meeting the standards that catches my attention. For instance, I pay extra for 3-day shipping for an on-line order only for it to arrive a week later with no apologies or refund. I come into work on my day off in order to meet with a friend only for them to call at the last minute to say they can’t make it. I order and pay for a gift on-line and choose for it to be “picked up at the store” (because it is in stock and I want to surprise someone) only to get an email stating “we’re sorr...

Merry X-Mas!

It inevitably happens around this time of year…a card, gift bag, or present with the “abbreviation” of the holiday greeting “Merry X-Mas!” Merry WHAT??? Wait just a minute! In today’s societal norms of “being offended” by everything, I might be quick to emphatically state, “Don't you dare replace the name of "Christ" with an "X!" Now, of course, I'm being a little facetious, but in all honesty, I can't tell you how irritating it was and how angry it made me when I would see someone who would use an "X" instead of "Christ" when displaying or writing out the word "Christmas." The same was true for any marquee, business or sign that displayed that big 'ol "X" instead of the name of "Christ." I thought "how lazy, irreverent, and sacrilegious must you be to 'x-out' Christ?" Until I learned an interesting theological point behind the "X" did I finally become comfortable...

The Most Difficult Word in the Bible

There are quite a few mind-twisting concepts, statements, and words in the Bible such as "propitiation," "sanctification," and "regeneration." If you think those are relatively tame, I challenge you to tackle the book of Revelation. But, seriously, despite these things, I feel there is still  one word  not many have thought about as being a  difficult word  to understand, comprehend, and live out. I am talking about the word  "walk."  So you respond,  "are you kidding? The word 'w-a-l-k' as in 'putting one foot in front of the other?'"  Yes, THAT word. After all, “walking” is referenced well over 200 times in the Bible. The first reference to walking comes as early as Genesis 3:8 , where Adam and Eve “heard the Lord God walking about in the Garden in the cool of the evening.” Also, one of the most preached “walking story” of Jesus is the post-resurrection event of traveling along with the two disciples on the roa...

Lateral Violence

Have you ever had something go terribly wrong, fall apart, or become rejected only to find out that a co-worker, family member or dear friend was the "culprit" behind the dismantling process?  Nothing is more painful than betrayal etched in the cold stone of slander and malice. Have you ever had a neighbor or co-worker who just cannot accept you and is constantly criticizing your work, talking viciously about you behind your back, and doing what they can to frustrate you and keep you on edge? Then guess what? You are a recipient of  Lateral Violence.  This is an interesting concept I came across that seems to be more prevalent today than ever before. According to the "definition," Lateral Violence is bullying that takes the form of back-stabbing, innuendo, infighting, sabotage, verbal affronts, failure to respect privacy, and others. This bullying always includes an imbalance of power, an intent to harm, and the threat of further aggression. This usu...