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Lateral Violence

Have you ever had something go terribly wrong, fall apart, or become rejected only to find out that a co-worker, family member or dear friend was the "culprit" behind the dismantling process? 

Nothing is more painful than betrayal etched in the cold stone of slander and malice. Have you ever had a neighbor or co-worker who just cannot accept you and is constantly criticizing your work, talking viciously about you behind your back, and doing what they can to frustrate you and keep you on edge? Then guess what? You are a recipient of Lateral Violence. 

This is an interesting concept I came across that seems to be more prevalent today than ever before. According to the "definition," Lateral Violence is bullying that takes the form of back-stabbing, innuendo, infighting, sabotage, verbal affronts, failure to respect privacy, and others.

This bullying always includes an imbalance of power, an intent to harm, and the threat of further aggression. This usually is intent to stunt your progress or elude any possibility of success. I have always been amazed at those who just can't stand to see others succeed. They are the type of people that are so jealous that they can't stand anything "good" derived by others.

To protect themselves, they feel they must be "laterally violent" to others by bad-mouthing sound ideas, thwarting good intentions, and purposely sabotaging projects that are heading for success. They just can't stand to see others do better than themselves. They seethe at the notion that someone else could receive accolades for a "job well done."

It is not easy dealing with the laterally violent as there is usually no arbitrating solutions for them other than for them to see your demise and failure. Thankfully, most work areas have arbitration, rules, and regulations to help circumvent these displays of aggression (so it doesn’t lead to physical violence or breaking the law), but as a Christian, we have even stronger solutions.

Jesus teaches us to “take the high road” in these situations. He tells us in both Luke 6:28 and Matthew 6:27-28, "But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you."

May it be our prayer that our petitions reap the dividends of turning those against us towards a restored relationship with Christ and ourselves. “Doing what is right” can, at first, seem impossible, beneath our dignity, or insulting, but it is (in the end) what is necessary. 

Relying upon the power of the Holy Spirit, we can come to a point where we “can do it” to love and pray for the “laterally violent.” Always keep an eternal perspective in mind so that we can see the long-term investment is worth it for these wayward souls for whom Christ died.

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