This is nothing new. It just a new means of expressing a time-old tradition of communicating with one another.When Jesus gave us the "Great Commission" to "go unto the world" to make disciples, he was initiating what we would call, today, "social networking." I guess you could say that Jesus invented it...sorry Facebook!
I think the Great Commission is much like "Facebook" and a lot like "Twitter" where we share our lives and our faith by everyday, ordinary means of communication and socializing with one another in verbal and visual ways. Helping a neighbor in their garden, giving a ride to a friend, saying a kind word to the cashier at Walmart, and giving directions to a total stranger who is lost and wants to know how to get back on the Interstate.
I also firmly believe that the "social networking" of our faith is sharing our lives with others. We are to be given to "hospitality" and being a loving neighbor. We follow the example of Jesus (such as with Zacchaeus) to also met the felt needs of others through fellowship and hospitality.
Whether that is a dinner in your home or inviting them to church events outside of Sunday Worship such as the men's and women's prayer meeting, youth group, or even sending them the audio/video MP3 file of the Sunday worship service, there is a way to share your faith beyond just getting them into the Sanctuary on a Sunday Morning or walking them through "The Romans Road."
You don't have to "win" someone to Christ on the first encounter. Through the everyday, ordinary way of "social networking" of living in fellowship with our neighbor can be one of the greatest ways to introduce them to Jesus and to introduce to them His wonderful plan of Salvation. Amen!