It wouldn’t be surprising if many of us confessed that it is challenging, if not, downright hard to always eat right, exercise, and watch our weight. That seems to be rather common for most of life’s important requirements. It is no different for our faith. Christianity is not for the faint of heart. Our faith requires radical obedience, trust, sacrifice, self-control, and unwavering resolve…just to name a few characteristics. The sin-abrasive challenge we will always face is to become complacent, calloused, lethargic and distracted. Let’s face it…our adversary, the devil, does not want us to grow deeper in faith nor glorify God in any way. We must make a concerted effort to be a faith-filled, radically obedient people. We see the words of Paul to Timothy on one way of accomplishing that growth. 1 Timothy 4:7 , “Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.” I like that last part… train yourself to be godly. One translatio...
Clever, Missouri (Christian County)