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Spurring One Another

Just a bit of trivia….it was January 31, 1933, on radio and September 15, 1949, on television that the “Lone Ranger” galloped into the hearts of the American public to eventually become an icon of our culture. Still today, the term “lone ranger” is used as reference to those who “go at it alone” in life.

We pray that is not so of any Christian. In fact, John Wesley, once wrote, “There is nothing more unchristian than a solitary Christian.” We pray that we do not have fellow brothers and sisters isolating themselves from fellowship or struggling and feeling more like “Spiritual Lone Rangers” trying to make it in life all alone because they’ve had no one to turn to in their troubles nor ever had anyone recognize their talents or abilities before.

I believe this is why it is so critical for us to be looking out for each other. We find this type of concern and love for one another in Acts 4:32, “All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had.”

Sharing life is an integral part of our faith which involves investing time, energy, finances, and resources beyond ourselves and into the lives of others. We do what we can and have within our means to accomplish. If we are listening to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will know through leading, conviction and instinct what we are to do.

In most cases, it is just inspiring others while motivating and encouraging them to keep going and to never give up. Hebrews 10:24, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds…”

The word “spur” implies that we “stimulate strongly” or “arouse” and even “to incite to riot.” We must aggressively be seeking to spur one another on to both love and good deeds. Love is not an emotion, but a choice to act regardless of our feelings. We are to act lovingly toward other believers. Good deeds are those things we do for the good of others. It is by taking initiative and doing things in faith that will attract others to Jesus.

It is our spiritual obligation to be each other’s “advocate” when it comes to rendering love and service in greater ways. We must seek out, engage, uplift, encourage, and motivate others.

It could be something as simple as praying for them. We can take action by inviting them to church for worship, studies or events. Maybe it is to encourage them to use their witnessed talent to teach, visit, volunteer, coordinate an event, head up a major project or possibly serve on a particular church council. The possibilities are endless.

What helps make this possible is living in awareness of all that is going on around us. If we are spiritually observant, we’ll see and notice things in others unlike ever before. These very discoveries can be empowered by the Holy Spirit to inspire others to use their abilities to give God glory and to further the kingdom of God.

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