The Apostle Paul wrote a very powerful statement from of
all places, prison. His final word to the Church is Ephesus states in Ephesians
6:19, “Pray for me also. Pray that I might open my mouth without fear.
Pray that I will use the right words to preach that which is hard to understand
in the Good News.”
Wouldn’t that be a tremendous prayer for all of us
to include daily? Perhaps it could be added as a doxology to our devotional
time? It seems that today is begging more and more for Christians to tell them
about the Good News of Jesus Christ.
The more often we speak up and speak out, we’ll soon find
it isn’t quite as scary as the first time. Each opportunity presented to us will become easier to
“say something” and it will grow more natural and stronger the more often we respond.
If we stay prepared, continually study, and allow the Holy
Spirit to guide us, it will be as Paul said that we will always be in a
position to “use the right words.” Matthew 10:19 also testifies to the
fact that we should not fear speaking out about the Gospel, because regardless, “God will give you the right words at the right time.”
The Good News about Jesus Christ is not a silent Gospel.
May we consider how horrible it is to go about our day seeing and hearing about so much trouble, hardships, and evil things yet quietly pass them by without so much as a prayer, helpful word or
lending a hand. Could we strive to be more “proactive” and preemptive rather
than “reactive” that risks missing the opportunity?
Lutheran Pastor and Christian Martyr, Dietrich
Bonhoeffer was noted as saying, “If I sit next to a madman as he drives
a car into a group of innocent bystanders, I can’t, as a Christian, simply wait
for the catastrophe, then comfort the wounded and bury the dead. I must try to
wrestle the steering wheel out of the hands of the driver.”
Let us ponder that fact that, for a Christian, we don’t
wait around for an opportunity, but create the opportunities to live out and
proclaim the Gospel to others. All that we do should not only bring glory to
God, but usher in the presence of Jesus into the situation.
Like Paul, we must surrender to the fact that evangelism is
not just “a” task of the Church; it is the only task, for all we do is supposed
to make Christ known to everyone. It is crucial that all Christians, everywhere,
take more seriously the “representative” and “show proof” aspect of our faith. If
people around us don’t see the love of God in us, chances are they aren’t going
to find it anywhere or in the right context.
Christianity is not only about getting people to heaven; it
is about living with and for Jesus Christ. We stand with and for Jesus as we
relate to others around us. We must validate the truth of the Gospel through
living in relation to Jesus, acting in accord with his character, and speaking
in ways that articulate the Gospel in clear and articulate ways that others can
Just remember, Paul is writing these words while in prison.
Like Paul, his prayer was not to be released from prison or to be delivered
from danger or suffering, but for boldness in proclaiming the gospel of Christ
that was entrusted to him.
No matter where we are, what we are doing, or what situation
we are involved in, we are to conduct ourselves fearlessly, lovingly and
obediently as representatives of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:20, “So
we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is making his appeal through us.” As you
go about each day, go forth boldly, unashamed, unafraid, and prepared to tell
others about Jesus Christ.