Romans 5:8 “While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” It is truly amazing to know that God didn’t first put us on a 30-day trial period to see if we could “handle being a Christian” before he would save us. I am glad He didn’t say, “I’ll forgive most of your sins except for these few particular ones." What is even just as amazing is knowing that God sent his Son, Jesus, to us with the risk knowing there was a good chance that he would be rejected and not one, single person would accept his offer of salvation. It was quite a sacrifice. It is what we focus on during the season of LENT. LENT comes from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning “Spring.” What happens in Spring? The Winter snows melt away, warmer temperatures, and the robins appear. But, most importantly, the earth comes back to life! Grass becomes green, trees bud and the leaves return, and flowers grow and bloom. We, like Spring, want our spiritual lives to “come back to life” now and after we die. So...
The Great Commission found in Matthew 28:16-20 , is packed full of so many life-changing words that a pastor could write a few months-worth of sermons. It is really fascinating to me what is packed into most of the words Jesus said. We know the word “go” in “Go and make disciples” in verse nineteen. The word “go” does not imply that we “sit down and plan out” a trip or meeting. The correct translation is that Jesus is telling us we live out the Great Commission “while we are going.” There is no specific destination given for “where” we are to go. It is simply an issue of living in awareness that this applies to “everywhere” we are at the moment. As you go about your day to be attentive towards living like Jesus and speaking the life-giving words of Jesus. We go about our day in privacy and out in public on the alert, and fully engaged and prepared to “…give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15). Howev...