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Wealth in Context

There are hundreds, if not, thousands of video clips that circulate on social media on a daily basis. Some have an agenda while others are manipulated to force a narrative upon us. I have also found that some just speak for themselves. I came across one of those video clips.
I’ll keep it “anonymous” as to who this was because my point is context. I would normally just brush off such a video clip as this, but I couldn’t. The person involved took the Bible out of context and was “forcing a square peg into a round hole” to make it justify his lifestyle.
He was expressing his displeasure with people criticizing him for being very rich. He did not appreciate that people were voicing their displeasure at his owning a mansion and having a private jet to fly him around the world. This television preacher made no apologies for living an “above and beyond” lavish lifestyle. In fact, he claimed them as a blessing from God.
I would have just brushed it off at that point and moved on with my day. However, he took out his Bible and read from the Psalms to prove his point that he was “blessed” to have the mansion and jet aircraft. It was Psalm 49:16, “Do not be afraid when one becomes rich, When the glory of his house is increased.”
He went on and on about how this Scripture says that we shouldn’t be afraid to be rich or to have extravagant real estate. He went on to claim that he was being blessed by God spiritually, physically and financially. He was using this Scripture out of context to justify his elite-level of earthly possessions.
Let’s put Psalm 49, that he was reading, back into context. The Scripture is actually warning this preacher about the very thing he is boasting about: possessions and being rich. This is the same fatal mistake that the “rich fool” made in Luke 12:16-21. The rich man supposed that his “much goods laid up for many years” could satisfy his soul. He thought that he could simply tear down everything and build bigger and better.
Our trust, faith and allegiance is to God and God alone. We live our lives not in the pursuit of great wealth and earthly possessions, but in the reliance and confidence in the power and trustworthiness of God. He is our source of Life and our Provider.
One of the lessons behind Psalm 49:16, is that the worldly pursuit of wealth, possessions, and vast real estate holdings, will all be in vain in the end. In other words, no amount of money or degree of wealth can save you from death. The Psalmist is warning us not to fall into the trap of thinking wealth will be a safeguard against death.
One may amass an enormous financial portfolio on this earth, but it will never be enough to “buy your way” into Heaven. Your privileges in this life will not translate into eternity. How do we know this? We just need to read the next verse!
Psalm 49:17, “For when he dies he shall carry nothing away; His glory shall not descend after him.” The Psalmist is telling us what we already know which is “you can’t take it with you.” The rich and wealthy have no advantage over those who are poor or who are financially struggling. We all die and take nothing with us into eternity.
Our true fear is a holy and reverent awe of God, our loving Father, who lavishes His love upon us and bestows the priceless gift of our inheritance when we cross the threshold of eternity into His Kingdom.
Yes, it was very disappointing to hear this television preacher use Scripture out of context to justify his indulgence in wealth and splendor of earthly possessions. I pray we will stay focused on the reality of the coming Kingdom of God and being faithful stewards of what God does allow us to have, own and possess here on earth.
I pray we will recall the words of Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus said: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Now that is something I can keep in context!

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