One of the joys of
reading the Scriptures multiple times is "finding" something
different each experience. It is most noted when, despite numerous readings,
something "jumps out" that I never "caught" before. Almost
like an epiphany, I think to myself "why haven't I seen this before?"
Well, another one of those moments occurred as I was reading Luke
6:27-36. It is the discourse on "how" to treat our
enemies. Yes, we know that if someone is an enemy, we love them. If they happen
to curse us, we bless them instead. Even if they out-right hate us, we do good
to them in return.
The hard part (for me at least) is that when they obviously
go "out of their way" to hurt me, I am supposed to pray for
them. Why, because Jesus instructs us to love them...unconditionally as he loves
me. So, we "get the picture" on our enemy. I thought. This is
the "ta-dah" moment.
Tucked away in the final sentence of verse 35, there
is the "how come" and "what for" answer as to
"why" we treat our enemy in this degree of love and concern. "For
He is kind to the unthankful and evil." GOD IS
WHAT?? Yes, God is KIND even to the unthankful and
to those who are evil!
God loves all of us regardless...even if not all of us love Him in return.
It is God's desire that we always respond in the way that He love. I
think we need to reverse our current trend of "making things worse"
by retaliating or seeing that an offender "gets what they deserve" in
a punitive sense.
God is kind to the ungrateful, the unthankful, the evil, selfish,
self-centered, egotistical know, like me...and you, possibly?
That's why I get a lump in my throat when I begin to sing about God's
"Amazing Grace" that "saved a wretch like me."
Everyone is equal and on level ground when on their knees at the foot of the
cross. His love knows no bounds or labels, no
classifications...just love...period. He died for me, for my enemies, and for
those who are "unthankful and evil."
So, the challenge, then, is to ask "how can I model God's example towards my enemies...those I can't stand...people
that are hard to get along with...those who are annoying, mean, vile, crude,
and down-right hateful?" We love them, because they are still people who God loves! :)
One of the joys of
reading the Scriptures multiple times is "finding" something
different each experience. It is most noted when, despite numerous readings,
something "jumps out" that I never "caught" before. Almost
like an epiphany, I think to myself "why haven't I seen this before?"
Well, another one of those moments occurred as I was reading Luke 6:27-36. It is the discourse on "how" to treat our enemies. Yes, we know that if someone is an enemy, we love them. If they happen to curse us, we bless them instead. Even if they out-right hate us, we do good to them in return.
The hard part (for me at least) is that when they obviously go "out of their way" to hurt me, I am supposed to pray for them. Why, because Jesus instructs us to love them...unconditionally as he loves me. So, we "get the picture" on our enemy. I thought. This is the "ta-dah" moment.
Tucked away in the final sentence of verse 35, there is the "how come" and "what for" answer as to "why" we treat our enemy in this degree of love and concern. "For He is kind to the unthankful and evil." GOD IS WHAT?? Yes, God is KIND even to the unthankful and to those who are evil!
God loves all of us regardless...even if not all of us love Him in return. It is God's desire that we always respond in the way that He love. I think we need to reverse our current trend of "making things worse" by retaliating or seeing that an offender "gets what they deserve" in a punitive sense.
God is kind to the ungrateful, the unthankful, the evil, selfish, self-centered, egotistical know, like me...and you, possibly? That's why I get a lump in my throat when I begin to sing about God's "Amazing Grace" that "saved a wretch like me."
Everyone is equal and on level ground when on their knees at the foot of the cross. His love knows no bounds or labels, no classifications...just love...period. He died for me, for my enemies, and for those who are "unthankful and evil."
So, the challenge, then, is to ask "how can I model God's example towards my enemies...those I can't stand...people that are hard to get along with...those who are annoying, mean, vile, crude, and down-right hateful?" We love them, because they are still people who God loves! :)
Well, another one of those moments occurred as I was reading Luke 6:27-36. It is the discourse on "how" to treat our enemies. Yes, we know that if someone is an enemy, we love them. If they happen to curse us, we bless them instead. Even if they out-right hate us, we do good to them in return.
The hard part (for me at least) is that when they obviously go "out of their way" to hurt me, I am supposed to pray for them. Why, because Jesus instructs us to love them...unconditionally as he loves me. So, we "get the picture" on our enemy. I thought. This is the "ta-dah" moment.
Tucked away in the final sentence of verse 35, there is the "how come" and "what for" answer as to "why" we treat our enemy in this degree of love and concern. "For He is kind to the unthankful and evil." GOD IS WHAT?? Yes, God is KIND even to the unthankful and to those who are evil!
God loves all of us regardless...even if not all of us love Him in return. It is God's desire that we always respond in the way that He love. I think we need to reverse our current trend of "making things worse" by retaliating or seeing that an offender "gets what they deserve" in a punitive sense.
God is kind to the ungrateful, the unthankful, the evil, selfish, self-centered, egotistical know, like me...and you, possibly? That's why I get a lump in my throat when I begin to sing about God's "Amazing Grace" that "saved a wretch like me."
Everyone is equal and on level ground when on their knees at the foot of the cross. His love knows no bounds or labels, no classifications...just love...period. He died for me, for my enemies, and for those who are "unthankful and evil."
So, the challenge, then, is to ask "how can I model God's example towards my enemies...those I can't stand...people that are hard to get along with...those who are annoying, mean, vile, crude, and down-right hateful?" We love them, because they are still people who God loves! :)