Many I have spoken with
through the years have had a concept of failure as being "final."
They express that "all is lost" or that they should just give up,
throw in the towel and quit because "it's over."
I think our society
is too quick in sending these kind of messages. Just look at how easy it is to go
from "Hero to Zero" today. Look at how quick our world will disown,
discredit and destroy those who fail "just once." There just doesn't seem to be even an ounce of "mercy" left today!
I am sure the Disciples
of Jesus were feeling like they totally blew it when they suddenly realized
what they had done...abandoned Jesus (in the Garden of Gethsemane) at the most crucial time in human history (when Jesus was arrested).
Unfortunately, Judas took the "easy wrong" instead of the "hard
right" and committed suicide by hanging himself. Peter cursed up a storm
to emphatically deny knowing Jesus (three times).
But, it wasn't just
Judas and was all 12 Disciples. When Jesus was arrested in the
garden of Gethsemane, Matthew 26:56 tells us "...Then all the
disciples deserted him and fled." Betrayal, abandonment, name it, Jesus endured it all.
His main purpose was not to be just a
punching-bag or a 'sin-sponge' to absorb all the brokenness we could dish out.
His purpose was to show us the unconditional love of God the Father. It was to
invite us into a personal, loving, intimate relationship with him.
This is what I find so
fascinating about how Jesus restored Peter (John 21:15-19). Jesus didn't take
Peter's denials and rub them in his face or grab him by the collar and demand
an apology. In fact, Jesus wasn't looking for a confession of sin...Jesus
was hoping for a confession of love...and that is precisely
how Peter responded. PETER GOT IT! Peter said, "You know all things. You know that I love you!"
Jesus covers all our
failures with his unconditional and pardoning love. What disappointments,
mistakes or failures are you STILL holding on to? Failure is not in falling is in the refusal to "get back up." Will you allow Jesus to
help you back up? His hand is outstretched...will you grasp his hand and let
Jesus help you get back up on your feet? I'm sure Peter would be cheering you
on saying "do won't be sorry!!"