I've had my copy of the "2015 Book of Discipline" of the Free Methodist Church for a few years, and our new 2019 edition should be published after this Summer's General Conference in Orlando, Florida (July 2019).
I always take the time to go through it for review and return to it many times for reference and teaching. I hope you are aware of this publication (republished/updated every 4 years). Yes, I know...you're thinking "oooh, that sounds so
exciting!" But, you know...it is.
It is a good practice to
revisit this wonderful manual that is 220 pages of our history, mission,
doctrine and polity. It declares our identity of why we claim to be
"Free" Methodists.
I was particularly struck by some of the distinct
principles of our Wesleyan-Armenian heritage that have guided us since August
23, 1860. Beyond the depth of our theological emphasis on sanctification, is the freedom and simplicity of just being committed to "raising
up a holy people" and establishing worship that is "characterized
by simplicity and freedom of the Spirit" that is "untrammeled
by elaborate ritual."
As Free Methodists we also focus on our "special
obligation" to preach the gospel to the poor and to keep modesty
at the forefront that commits itself to "the New Testament ideals
of simplicity and modesty as a style of life." A whole lot of
this mind-set is one that provides us freedom...freedom to do what is necessary
to put all the attention on the Lord Jesus Christ and not upon ourselves.
It isn't
supposed to be "about us" anyway. It is taking the attitude that
"the best way to keep worldliness from invading the church is for the
church to invade the world with redemptive purpose." We are free...we are
simple...we are focused...we are committed...to Jesus Christ and His redemptive
love for all. A liberating way to live...in freedom.
If you want to know "the basics" behind this wonderful Denomination, just click the link below to download a free brochure on "What is a Free Methodist!" If it something you can support, by all means, come be a part of Motley Free Methodist, 33 Wellwood Street East, Motley, Minnesota! You can also visit us on this link: Motley Free Methodist Website