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The Priority of Worship

Why do you go to Church? I am sure there are several reasons which all give us a comfort of connection, friendships, and community. Above all the “reasons” we give for “going to Church,” I hope the ultimate passion within us is to worship God and to seek an encounter with Him.

I think the book of Revelation reveals the priority of our worship. Some of you may be familiar with the song, “Revelation Song” (I like Kari Jobe’s version) and may have sung it in your Church as well. This song reflects the words of Revelation 4:8, “….day and night they never stop saying: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.’” It is obvious that our greatest joy is to live a life filled with unceasing, resounding and reverberant praise to the Lamb of God (Jesus) and our Heavenly Father.

The question facing us today is “how much time do we engage in the exercise of worship?” Not just at Church on Sunday because we can worship God every day no matter where we are, what we are doing, or what we are facing in life. We have the time. We can find the time. We should make the time. It is that important.

Do you have a strong reverence for God that is obvious in your lifestyle and witness? Do you find it easy to stop, reflect and praise God for the moment and for your many blessings in life? Can we find ways to worship through silence, music, meditation of Scripture, service, gratefulness, and thanksgiving?

The role of worship in your life can be dramatically elevated when you focus and become intentional about your relationship with God. That means (from a human standpoint) we must take God “out of the box” of our limited thinking and allow Him to work outside the boundaries of time, space and dimension. God is not limited to the physics of our world. Isaiah 55:8, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.

We should never reduce God into a human-like god as if He is simply “the man upstairs” or treat Him as if he is merely a buddy from out of town. May we never lose sight of the majesty of God and His holiness.

The point is, the more highly you think of God, the more likely you will worship Him as He deserves. The more exalted your thoughts are of God, the more you will be aware of His presence in your life and will fully discover just how much He truly loves you.

Let us all spend more time praising, thanking, glorifying, singing, and exulting our God, our Heavenly Father through worship. Can you stop what you are doing, right now, and spend a few moments with your Heavenly Father? Let’s worship!

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