There is something different about the Samaritan man that compelled him into action…something that inspired him unlike the Priest and the Levite who did notice, but chose to keep moving along without rendering any aid.
The priest and Levite both "saw" the wounded victim, but (for whatever reason) didn't want to get near him (Luke 10:31-32). Perhaps they thought it was a set-up for them to be robbed as well? Maybe, they were sickened by the sight of blood, panicked and moved along? Or, sadly, I think they just felt no compassion whatsoever and felt they were under no obligation to help. After formulating their “excuse’ to justify their actions, they moved along without stopping.
The Samaritan, on the other hand, had no hesitation about getting involved and quickly came near the hurting and injured man. The Samaritan "approached him" (Luke 10:34) and "treated him with compassion" (Luke 10:37). In fact, he rendered “first aid” and put him on his own donkey, took him to an Inn, and continued to provide medical and humanitarian care.
In fact, the Samaritan spent the night with him…probably to make sure he “pulled through.” The next day, the Samaritan goes down to the front desk to not only pay for the night’s lodging, but to talk with the Manager to set up further care and lodging. No matter what that cost would amount to, he tells the Manager, “Look after him and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have” (verse 35).
What is missing in the story is why the Samaritan man was on that road. All Jesus mentioned was that he was traveling. Where was he going? What was he going to do? A job interview? Visit a family member? Going to work? Maybe to a funeral or to worship? Jesus doesn’t say….but whatever it was, it wasn’t as important as taking the time to help this man who had been beaten and robbed. This unknown part of the story is important!!!
What is missing in the story is why the Samaritan man was on that road. All Jesus mentioned was that he was traveling. Where was he going? What was he going to do? A job interview? Visit a family member? Going to work? Maybe to a funeral or to worship? Jesus doesn’t say….but whatever it was, it wasn’t as important as taking the time to help this man who had been beaten and robbed. This unknown part of the story is important!!!
Love has to get near and get involved regardless. Love by its very nature can't keep its distance or allow other pressing issues to be a “convenient excuse” not to engage or get involved. Jesus, Who is Love, could have remained in heaven in eternal bliss with His Father. However, His love impelled Him (2 Corinthians 5:14) to seek us out (Luke 19:10), be near us (Psalm 145:18), and even be “God-with-us,” Emmanuel (Matthew 1:23). Now He even is so near us that He dwells within us (John 6:56; 17:23).
Now it is YOUR turn!! Is there any person, group, or class of people you won't get near? Do you stay away from the poor, uneducated, crippled, aged, criminals, illegal, drug users, LGBTQ+, unrepentant, or those of a different race or religion? Culturally speaking, are there “certain people” you won’t concern yourself with because they come “from the other side of the tracks?”
Now it is YOUR turn!! Is there any person, group, or class of people you won't get near? Do you stay away from the poor, uneducated, crippled, aged, criminals, illegal, drug users, LGBTQ+, unrepentant, or those of a different race or religion? Culturally speaking, are there “certain people” you won’t concern yourself with because they come “from the other side of the tracks?”
These may be your "wounded victims," your chance to be a good Samaritan. Jesus may be saying that as often as you neglected to get near these people, you neglected to get near Him. Jesus said in Matthew 25:45, “…‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’”
Jesus, never once kept His distance from anyone. He didn’t allow anything to act as a barrier from coming close to meet the needs of others. May I and all who follow Jesus and claim to be a Christian love as Jesus loves….to help as Jesus helped….to engage as Jesus engaged….to be as concerned for others as Jesus is concerned about us all. Love truly gets near!
Jesus, never once kept His distance from anyone. He didn’t allow anything to act as a barrier from coming close to meet the needs of others. May I and all who follow Jesus and claim to be a Christian love as Jesus loves….to help as Jesus helped….to engage as Jesus engaged….to be as concerned for others as Jesus is concerned about us all. Love truly gets near!