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Psychic Vampires

Work with me on this one, please. As a retired military chaplain, I have studied many faith groups. One in particular had a very interesting “teaching” of sorts. Don't be shocked or alarmed, but I learned something from Satanism and from studying some of the teachings in The Satanic Bible written by Anton LaVey. Like I said, work with me. We can learn something from this to help us.

I came across a concept known as "psychic vampire." In a nut-shell, it is a person who is emotionally immature and not overly respectful of those around them. This is basically a process where someone simply emotionally drains the life from other people. These are people who “have it worse than you” and always seem to complain about everything.

Nothing is ever good enough. They will always blame others. They will always make a mountain out of a molehill. They are so miserable that they can manipulate any circumstance into trying to make you feel guilty for not “understanding” or for not feeling sorry for them. They literally drain the emotional energy out of those around them.

Sadly, Psychic Vampires are not worried about the carnage left behind, but more focused on getting what they want at your cost. After all, remember, their “issues” are not their fault….it is someone else’s’ fault.

So, beware of "Psychic Vampires" as they are not "just" a concept of Satanism or a definition from the Satanic is a force to guard against. Galatians 6:9-10 tells us that “…as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people.” Matthew 10:16, says “Behold, I am sending you out as sheep amongst wolves. Therefore, be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

It is godly and Christ-like to love others by helping and assisting them in ways that are productive, supportive and sustaining. However, “enabling” bad behavior and “enabling” their abusive confiscation of our own resources is not behavior that is becoming of a Christian. Our help is to assist them with growing and changing and recovering. To love them is to help them with what they NEED….not what they WANT.

I am fully aware of Luke 6:30, in regards to giving to those who beg and those who take from you. We obey that scripture. However, when it becomes abusive and habitual, then we must lovingly and gently confront those to help them understand the unhealthy behavior and why they must seek ways of reconciliation, restoration and healing that will deliver them and bring about their recovery.

As it has been said, “give someone a fish and you feed them for the day. Teach them how to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.” Psychic Vampires must not be enabled to continue living in a cycle of bad behaviors to feed off of us or others. Yes, they need our help daily, weekly, monthly, and sporadically, but we help with discretion, prayer, and wisdom as we partner with them in reaching their goals to better themselves. Psalm 118:5, “In my distress I prayed to the Lord, and the Lord answered me and set me free.”

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