There are many powerful stories in the Bible that
we would classify as those with a “happy ending.” That is, an ending where God
saw individuals, groups or a nation of people through a peril, hardship, test or even eminent death.
One such story, we remember from Daniel 3:16-30, concerning the “fiery
furnace” and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Another powerful event is the
beloved story in Daniel, Chapter 6, about
Daniel in the den of lions. Plus, who could forget the frightening adventure of
Moses against the mighty Egyptian Army of Pharaoh, in Exodus, Chapter 14, when their backs were up against the Red Sea?
Yes, all these stories ended triumphantly with
the saving presence and mighty hand of God granting them their victory and
escape from death and danger. But, we know this after the fact. The point I am making is that all those involved
had no idea what the outcome was going to be. They entered these situations
with a sudden realization that they were probably going to die a horrible
were pounding, mouths were dry, palms were sweaty, and questions were racing through
their minds such as “Ok, God….where are you? Could use a little help here!!” I
am trying to imagine hearing the lions growling and smelling the pungent odor
wafting up from the den. Imagine walking the path to your execution and seeing
the billowing smoke, hearing the crackling of the fire and sensing the stinging
waves of heat hitting you in the face. I am not sure about you, but I would be
shivering from fright.
fact is that God did not spare them from having to go through the
experience. I am sure there was some justification for being disappointed in
God and perhaps angry that God wasn’t stepping in to help them. Possibly, could
they even have wondered why God was not answering their prayers to save them? As
far as they were concerned, they were going to die in quite a horrific way. I am sure they thought "I was really hoping it wasn't going to turn out this way!"
are many other such events in the Bible with a similar pattern. I am sure the
first name that comes to mind is Job. There are many others such as Esther, Naomi,
Elijah, Joseph and Peter. Can you add your name to the list?
you are going through a challenging time right now and you have no idea where
God is in it all. Perhaps a string of issues keep raining misery, stress and
anxiety upon you as you plead for God’s intervention. Feeling punished....cursed, perhaps? There are moments when
the silence from Heaven is deafening and when it appears our prayers bounce off
our ceiling and never reach the ears of God.
can take comfort in reading all the “after
the fact” endings that many people in the Bible experienced and learned “after
it was all over” that God can
be trusted and that He will not
leave us abandoned or forsaken. We can learn from those many encounters of men
and women in the Bible who struggled with such spiritual issues of “where’s God
in all this” that we may face today.
are six Scripture passages to read and contemplate to help assure us of God’s
promises for such a time as these:
- Deuteronomy
- Psalm
- Proverbs
- Isaiah
- Matthew
- 1
Peter 4:12-13
Maybe also this prayer:
help us when we face trials in this life. Help us to call on You, knowing You
always hear us. Help us to lean on You instead of leaning on our own
understanding. Give us the strength we need, and remind us always that You are
aware of what touches us. You see even one sparrow that falls and we are worth
more than sparrows. Thank you Lord, for not leaving us comfortless. Thank You
for Your great love. We pray this in the name of Your Son, Our Lord, Jesus
Christ. Amen.
We can trust that God is truly working in our situation
and has a specific plan weaving through each and every moment of our lives. We
must look at what is happening now as just one “piece” of the “big picture”
that eventually comes together to reveal God’s provision and goodness. We can
fully believe Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for
the good of those who love him, who have been
called according to his purpose.”
Let us cling to our faith and may our relationship with God never waiver as He walks us through each moment of our lives. God is sufficient and all we need to endure our trials, challenges and hardships in this life.