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Going Fishing

Here in Minnesota, it is not only Mother’s Day this weekend, but the opening of the fishing season. This is not only a beloved pastime, but a sacred tradition in the “Land of 10,000 Lakes.” Needles to say, many are heading out on the water and gathering along the banks.

We, as Christians, have been called to fishing. Jesus invites us to join Him on the world’s greatest fishing expeditions of all time….fishing for people. Mark 1:16-20 is the Gospel story that unfolds along the shores of the Sea of Galilee where Jesus comes upon Simon and Andrew casting their nets into the water to begin their day of fishing.

We are not sure how long Jesus stood there watching before engaging the two brothers in conversation, but He broke His silence by saying, in verse 17, “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.” They must have gotten the message and knew exactly what he meant, because their response in verse 18, was, “they immediately left their nets and followed him.”

Above all that we do….prayer, reading and studying the Bible, service, obedience, and worship, I will say the greatest thing we must do (in addition to all that) is follow Jesus. When Jesus said “follow me” it was more than a commanding statement, but a loving invitation to be with Him and to go with Him in order to become like Him.

Most importantly, by following Jesus, we will be empowered and equipped to fulfill the “great commission” of Matthew 28:16-20, to “Go and make disciples of all the nations.” Jesus promised that if we would follow Him intimately, He would help us to become fishers of people. That is, Jesus would ensure our fruitfulness of leading others to Jesus. We have the ability and capability of helping others to find salvation in Jesus.

That phrase, “I will make you become…” does not mean that Jesus would wave a magic wand and “poof” you are automatically a well-equipped, full-fledged disciple “ready to go.” No! Not at all! Notice Jesus said that He would make you “become” a great disciple. “Becoming” a disciple implies there is a “gradual process of training” to grow into being a disciple. It will come with time, study, learning, doing, and being.

Just like you would never pass your college courses if you never bothered to attend class, the same is true in growing as a Christian and being able to lead others to Christ. You can read, study, attend Church, pray and many other “religious” faith-based things, but if you don’t invest it in a relationship with Jesus, all those activities cannot take root and grow or flourish as it was intended.

What we learn and store in our brain is wonderful, but it must go further by being cultivated in the heart as well. The only way for this to happen is through a close, intimate, loving relationship with Jesus. The only way to reach such a depth of relationship is following Jesus, Himself.

Just as the Disciples had to learn, so do we that the key component of all that we do is grown from how deeply and closely we are following Jesus. If we truly desire others to come to Jesus Christ, we must be following Jesus close enough for others to see Him in us! We must be the example for others to emulate.

I’ve heard it said, “Christ calls us, not so much for what we are, as for what Jesus is able to make us become, if we are prepared to obey Him.” So, I must ask where have you been most challenged in getting closer to Jesus? What is preventing you and causing you to be hesitant with sharing Jesus with others?

Are you simply stuck? Have you not seen a whole lot of fruitfulness in your ministry? Has this COVID-19 shaken your faith to the point of being anxious and afraid? Let all these things be a measuring tool as to how closer you need to get with Jesus. Let this awareness set you on a new course to change directions and move closer to Jesus.

Look to Jesus. Learn from Jesus! Be empowered by His Holy Spirit to be a stellar angler of souls and a righteous magnet that draws people to Jesus. Let’s drop what we’re doing and go follow Jesus!

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