have been preparing study notes for the weekly Bible study on the book of Jude. It is one of the rare books that
have no chapters. It is simply twenty-five verses. Although the protestant
churches do not use the apocrypha literature and books (like the Roman Catholic
Church), we see Jude referring to the writings of The Assumption of Moses.”
Tucked away in verse 9, we read of a reference to Michael the Archangel contending with the Devil over the body of Moses (scholars believe it was Michael, in Deuteronomy 34:1-6, who took care of the body of Moses after he died). The result of this dispute is interesting as the verse says that he did not dare accuse the devil of blasphemy.
Michael is leaving the matter with God and putting it in His hands. If one of the greatest and most powerful Angels in God’s Heavenly Kingdom was so careful in what he said, how much more should we as mere mortals watch our words, responses, and conversations? Michael simply responds, “The Lord rebuke you!”
Just like Jesus when He was challenged by the Devil, we see Michael using Scripture. This statement is from Zachariah 3:2, “And the Lord said to Satan, “I, the Lord, reject your accusations, Satan. Yes, the Lord, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebukes you. This man is like a burning stick that has been snatched from the fire.”
The Greek word for “rebuke” means to “blame” or to
“reprove.” The use of this word implies that this level or form of rebuke is reserved
for God and God alone to use and delegate to whom He chooses.
We have several instances where God allowed His Son, Jesus, the authority to rebuke. One in particular is the account of Mark 3:12, when Jesus rebukes the demons and commands them to keep silent.
Also, in Mark 9:25 Jesus not only rebukes an unclean spirit, but commands it to leave. Jesus also mastered the forces of nature by rebuking the winds to calm the storm in Mark 4:39. Plus, we can’t forget the loving story where Jesus rebukes the fever of Simon’s mother-in-law in Luke 4:39. The fever immediately leaves and she gets up at once and prepares a meal. That’s power!
Now, let’s go back to our encounter with Michael and the Devil. When Michael states that the Lord would rebuke him, he was saying that “I’m putting this issue into God’s hands and He will assert his authority over you.” All demonic forces are brought under authority of the power and might of Almighty God our Father.
Just remember Psalm 24:8 that reminds us, “Who is the King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty; the Lord, invincible in battle.” Also 1 Samuel 17:47, “All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s….” Plus, we cannot forget Romans 12:19, “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.”
world is troubled and in great peril. The forces behind what we see happening
is all those things we can’t see. Ephesians
6:12, “For our struggle is not
against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the
authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the
spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
We are reminded of several things: One, that God is never to be our last resort after all other measures we’ve tried have failed. Two, we should never try to do anything on our own power and understanding. Three, it should not be in our nature as Christians to be seeking revenge, restitution, and reparations for the events of our life. When wronged, offended, or slandered, we should not think of getting even, striking back or finding a means for retaliation in any form or fashion.
Yes, there is common sense involved here and we recognize that we have Federal and local legal systems in place when trouble arises or life events get overwhelming. We have legal means such as restraining orders, arrest warrants, and charges that can be brought that are necessary to bring justice to those who fall victim to the evil actions of others. God also works through such human means and we cannot discount God’s ways to “fight our battles” through human institutions in a unique and divine way.
Left to ourselves, we are fallible, sinful human beings who mess things up. We must rely upon the Lord God our Father. We must fully surrender to the plan He has for us. We must recognize that this plan has a procedure that is according to His will and His timing, movements, and workings within not only your life, but every single person involved with your situation
God works collectively and we must confess, that it will never be “all about me.” God loves everyone and so His grand design and divine plan involves everyone. He wants the best for you as much as He does for all others involved.
Healing. Wholeness. Restoration.
Restorative justice that heals and repairs everyone broken by sinfulness and evil. So, when the spiritual battles arise and life gets a bit tangled, simply pray aloud the prayer of Michael the Archangel, and declare “the Lord rebuke you, Satan and all your spiritual forces!” There is nothing better we can do than to put everything fully into God’s hands.