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Jesus, I Belong to You


Jesus, I Belong to You

It is becoming more obvious that Satan is being less subtle, more open and aggressive with his plans of trying to destroy us, our faith, the church and the message of the Gospel. May we never forget the sobering reminder of 1 Peter 3:18, to “stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.

We must never let our guard down. We must never get so accustomed to our life-routines that we become complacent and begin “easing off” on our commitments to grow in our faith, deepen our relationship with God our Father, and represent Jesus to the world (2 Corinthians 5:20).

It is my hope, by sharing this prayer of commitment with you, that you will consider the statements being made. The goal is to strive and commit to being able to pray each segment with all sincerity and to covenant with God to align your life to its truths.

Will you at least read it now….pray, and consider how to incorporate it into your prayer and devotional life? I am not the author….I learned of this through “Seedbed” devotionals written by J.D. Walt. I think you will find it fascinating, yet challenging. May it become ingrained into your heart, soul and mind to live out with passion and vigor.


“Jesus, I belong to you.”

I am no longer my own, but yours. You are my Lord and my God.
I give you my complete, undivided, and whole-hearted attention.

I give you my desires and affections and only receive them back as they have been granted by you.

I receive from you the mind of Christ, . . . 
to think as you think,
to imagine as you imagine,
to ponder as you ponder,
your curiosities,
your impressions,
your insights,
your joys,
your sadnesses,
your longings,
your loves.

My work will find its origin and fulfillment in the gifts, talents, skills, and creativity you have entrusted to me. 

Jesus, I belong to you.


Your vision will be my sight,
Your word, my food,
Your Spirit, my breath,
Your resurrection, my power,
Your suffering, my fellowship,
Your Kingdom, my ambition,
Your people, my passion,
Your love, my life.

Jesus, I belong to you.

I covenant with you the following exchanges:

My emptiness—for your fullness,
My brokenness—for your wholeness,
My sin—for your righteousness,
My guilt—for your pardon,
My lust—for your longings, 
My drunkenness—for your sobriety,
My shame—for your glory,
My pride—for your humility,
My thirst—for fame for your desire for holiness,
My striving—for your rest,
My impossible burden—for your easy yoke.

Jesus, I belong to you

You are to me:

The Word made flesh
The image of the invisible God
The exact representation of his being
The first fruits of the Resurrection
The bright and morning star
The Ancient of Days,
The Son of God and the Son of Man,
The Bread of Heaven,
The True Vine,
The Way and the Truth and the Life,
The Resurrection,
The Light of the World,
The Good Shepherd,
The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,
The Lamb slain from before the foundation of the world,
The Messiah, the Savior,
The Lord of Heaven and Earth.

Jesus, I belong to you.

By your commission I am called.
By your calling I am chosen.
In your communion I am consecrated.
Through your fullness I am overflowing. 
In your holy love I am joyfully alive. 

Jesus, I belong to you. 

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.


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