If you are familiar with the
Old Testament story of Joseph (coat of many colors), you recall the
seething disdain his brothers had of their younger sibling. Whether Joseph
brought that on himself, or it was simply unprovoked, it was apparent there was
tension and ill feelings against Joseph.
Finally, he’s gone! They “faked his death” and reported his demise to their father. Their father believes Joseph is dead for many years. They have managed to “get away” with “getting rid” of Joseph….at least that is what they thought.
We learn even later in the story that they eventually discover Joseph is not only still alive, but serving in a very powerful position of authority that could possibly result in a major act of retribution against them. They realize they are in a heap of trouble.
We learn of that in Genesis 50:15, “Now that their father was dead, Joseph’s brothers became fearful.” Joseph’s brothers were fearful, guilt-ridden, and steeped in suspicion that with the death of their Father, Joseph may show no mercy in retaliation.
They once again try to take advantage of Joseph. They flung themselves before Joseph and said: “Let us be your slaves!” (Genesis 50:18) They attempted to take care of their past mistakes on their own. It was all a show to save their skins! They needed to do the right thing by confessing their sins, seeking forgiveness, and moving on.
Their mistakes just kept piling up. As each mistake is made there is another one committed in order to cover up the previous fault. They tried to murder Joseph, but decided, instead, to sell him into slavery. When they realized their sinful deed was exposed, they try to cover their tracks with begging for mercy. This cycle of sinfulness was carried on by Joseph’s brothers for nearly four decades.
How about us? Do we have any “cycles” in our life that we keep revisiting and repeating? Perhaps, there are mistakes, blunders, bad decisions from many years ago that still upsets and haunts you? Do you have any sin for which you’ve received forgiveness from God but not from yourself? Do you keep making yourself miserable over past regrets and failures?
It’s not unusual to be like Joseph’s brothers and spend a lifetime twisted and distorted by guilt, even false guilt. We get into the vicious cycle of going through life thinking, “I deserved that!...or I deserved to be punished!”
Christians must claim their freedom by remembering that these thoughts of condemnation are not from God. In fact, it goes against His nature to make you feel guilty or ashamed for your past mistakes that He has forgiven. He sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the Cross for the sins of the entire world so that we would be forgiven and restored back to Him. Your redemption releases you from the past. It is over.
The Devil uses guilt, shame, regret and condemnation to wage war in your mind. Remember, it is his passion to destroy and annihilate you. He would love nothing more than to keep you trapped and consumed with thoughts that would leave you feeling sorrowful and hopeless.
Remember Romans 8:1-2, “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. And because you belong to him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.”
The longer you wait to release your past, the longer the enemy can use your own thoughts to keep you in bondage. God has released you through forgiveness, so you must release yourself by forgiving yourself. That is healthy. It is Biblical.
When God forgives, He also remembers our sin no more. He will never recall it later to rub it in your face when you sin again. If God promises to never remind you of your sin, why won’t you forgive yourself for your past mistakes, regrets, and failures?
Remember God’s promise of 2 Corinthians 5:17, “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” We must turn our lives over to God unreservedly. He Who is the Truth will set us free from all our past. Maybe it is time to finally say, “I forgive me!”