During our most recent Sunday worship services at Church,
our Pastor made reference to Luke 12:31, “But seek his kingdom….” Our
faith and our God should be involved in every aspect of our life. Being a
Christian affects everything we do, think, and say.
Simply put, there isn’t an “off switch.” We don’t
stop…well, we shouldn’t at least. We don’t hide our faith just because we are
hanging out with friends. We don’t stop being a Christian because we are
at work, on vacation, or attending to chores on our own. Instead, Christ is
with us all the time, in all we do and wherever we are. We never cease being a Christian.
The strength of our faith and the ability to emanate the
love and light of Christ in every situation we are in comes from that passage
in Luke 12:31. The key word is seek. The word is a verb. A verb speaks
of an action. We must pursue. It is a choice. We must make the choice to be the
light and love of Jesus Christ. Free will. Intentional.
What makes “seeking” so powerful is knowing that this word
can be translated “crave” or “to aim at; to strive after.” What
is implied here is that one is begging for, yearning, and demanding what they
want. Whatever “it” is, they want it desperately. There is a passion to use all
resources, avenues, and connections to get what is wanted.
This is what gives so much vivid imagery to the Psalm that
is referred to “As the Deer.” Psalm 42:1, “As the deer pants for the
water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God.” I wonder, have you ever
considered using this same concept to describe your relationship with Jesus?
What is the depth of your relationship with Jesus Christ?
Does your soul pant for time alone with Him? Do you crave intimacy and
communion with Jesus monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, and nearly every waking
moment? Is your first thoughts upon waking each day upon the Lord and your last
moments before falling asleep affixed upon Christ?
Maybe it is time for us to check the thermostat of our
heart, soul and mind. Have we been growing towards our relationship with Jesus
that we can honestly say, “I crave my Lord and Savior?” Are we intentionally
and passionately seeking to bring Jesus into everything we do and look for ways
to invite Him into our current situation?
It is of great importance that we make the time to seek
“Kingdom things” and our relationship with Christ Jesus. It is the supreme
priority and not an “all else has failed” last resort. Nothing else matters.
Nothing is greater until we conquer this depth of fellowship and relationship
with our God. Just remember the words of Psalm 105:4, “Search for the
Lord and for his strength; continually seek him.”
Watch and listen to this wonderful song of Psalm 42 "As the Deer":