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Jesus Loves


The New Testament Gospels are filled with stories of Jesus interacting with the public. I find it fascinating that some of His most unique encounters were literal interruptions to what he was planning to do. Yet, despite the “interruption,” he stopped, engaged, helped, but most importantly, loved.

One powerful example was the story of Jairus in Mark 5:21-43. Here we find Jesus coming ashore and no sooner is He off the boat, but quickly found mobbed by a crowd. As the crowd pushed and pressed around Jesus, the man Jairus lands at his feet. Jairus begs Jesus to heal his daughter who was dying.

Jesus agrees and they soon start heading for his house. Yet, it is still a struggle to walk as the crowd continues to press in and follow along with Him. THAT is when it happened. As Jesus was walking, he suddenly stops and asks, “who touched me?”

Jesus had felt “that power had gone out of him” (Mark 5:30). Jesus interrupts his journey to the home of Jairus to have a most powerful moment with this woman who was just healed of a blood disorder. Although Jesus was already engaged with a task, He finds time for this woman because of His care and love for her.

This incident brought me to another powerful verse that stems from an encounter Jesus had with a rich man. The engagement is found in Mark 10:17-30 with a man that just suddenly runs up to Jesus unexpectedly.

Jesus had just finished a beautiful moment teaching others by spending time with the neighboring children and blessing them. Just as Jesus finished and had just “started on his way” (Mark 10:17), this rich man runs up and falls to his knees right in front of Jesus.

The point I am trying to make doesn’t really pertain to the reason he did this. My point is what is said of Jesus in this encounter. We see the response of Christ in Mark 10:21 as it says, “Jesus looked at him and loved him.”

Can we read that over again a few more times? Jesus looked at him. Jesus loved him. Even though verse 22 says “the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth,” Jesus still loved him.

The love expressed here by Jesus is the Greek verb “agapao” which is unconditional love. Jairus’ daughter was dying and the woman’s medical issue was critical. The rich man wanted to know about eternal life. Each had different reasons for going to Jesus. Jesus responded with the exact same amount of love to each person regardless of what that situation was about. Jesus loves. Period.

Now, it is your turn. However, I want you to say this out loud. Say, “Jesus loves me.” Again! “Jesus loves me!” He does. Unconditionally. No matter what position you hold in society, Jesus loves you. No matter what medical situation you face, Jesus loves you. When it seems nobody hears you or wants to deal with your troubles, Jesus loves you.

Drink in this truth from Romans 8:35, 38-39, “Who will separate us from the love of Christ?... Will hardship, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? … For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Did you catch that powerful word? N-o-t-h-i-n-g! Nothing. Your past cannot stop Jesus from loving you. Your mistakes, lost opportunities, missed chances cannot stop Jesus from loving you. Divorce, criminal records, financial ruin, explicit indiscretions….just name it…whatever it is that applies to you, it still cannot and will not convince Jesus to stop loving you. Jesus “not loving” is impossible. He is love.

Just remember the disciple named Peter who followed Jesus for three years. Yet, Peter abandoned Jesus at a critical moment when arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. Then, later in the wee hours of that same night, denies even knowing him three times when confronted by those who recognized him as “one who followed Jesus.” But, Jesus loved Peter. Jesus forgave and restored Peter. Read about this in John 21:15-25.

I think for many of us who struggle with our past or perhaps fret over the future because “today” is rather dark, just remember it hasn’t nor will it ever keep Jesus from loving you. Maybe you are self-sufficient and have done well in life and things really aren’t that bad. Yes, you still need remember the love of Jesus, because He loves you just the same.

Wherever we are right now, just remember, once again, right now: Jesus loves you. Maybe you just need to stop fighting that truth and allow it to flood your heart. May the peace of Christ overflow as you say it, out loud, even one more time: JESUS LOVES ME!

Enjoy this song by Evie: "Jesus Loves Me - Oh How He Loves"

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