The Thanksgiving holiday is once again upon us. I’m sure we’ve already written out our dinner menu and have the turkey in the deep freezer. Now that we’re ready, we may have already turned some of our attention to coming up with some ideas for the Christmas season. The end of every year is filled with exciting holidays and it is a joyous season indeed.
However, can we just pause for now? Stop. Think. Let’s not get too far ahead to Christmas just yet. Let’s focus on Thanksgiving for now. Although Thanksgiving is a nationally recognized holiday that comes just one day a year, we know that it is a state of being every single day of our lives. We should be thankful all the time and grateful for everything.
1 Thessalonians 5:18, “Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” You can give thanks every day and in all things because thanksgiving is a response to the goodness and grace of God. God’s nature does not change just because a particular holiday is over.
When we give thanks, it aligns us with God’s goodness, opens us up to receive more from Him, and frees us from anxiety and worry. It carries us through any struggle and hardship in life.
If we’re honest, thankfulness helps cure us of ungratefulness and keeps us from becoming cynical about everything. That is why giving thanks can bring us encouragement and strength no matter how crazy the world may become.
Thanksgiving in the Bible means to respond to God’s goodness and grace with gratitude. The word for giving thanks in the Old Testament means to “raise hands to God” in gratitude. In the New Testament, the word for thanks means to be “thankful for God’s grace.” No wonder we call it “saying grace” when we pray a prayer of thanks before eating our meal.
Being thankful for
everything, every day, is based on God’s goodness towards humanity and involves
responding to Him with our whole being. When you give thanks, you’re responding
to God’s goodness and graciousness. We can do this every day and for everything.
** Please enjoy this music video "Give Thanks"