The first week of January, regardless of year, holds within
the Church a celebration known as “Epiphany.” The word means “manifestation”
and refers to God revealing Himself “in the flesh” through His Son, Jesus
Christ. It is also a time to mark the appearance of the Three Wise Men who were
some of the first to recognize and worship Christ as King.
The “Epiphany” revelation or “manifestation” is that God unveils
Himself to the world. Through Jesus His Son, He shows Himself as fully human
and fully divine. That He is real. That He is our Triune God.
Epiphany, to our faith, is a powerful testimony of God’s
unconditional love. His love for us compelled Him to send His Son into the world
to save us from our sinfulness. God took the initiative. God made all the
arrangements. God paid the price to make this happen. In other words, it was
His idea and decision all along. He did everything to make reconciliation with Him
possible. His desire to have a loving and personal relationship with you is
that important to Him.
God brought His redeeming light into the darkness of this
world on purpose. Isaiah 60:3 foretold of God’s loving plan by saying “Nations
shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.”
Our Church’s liturgy (Collect) states during Epiphany by praying,
“O God, by the leading of a star you manifested your only Son to the peoples
of the earth: Lead us, who know you now by faith, to your presence, where we
may see your glory face to face; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and
reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.”
In addition to being “Advent People” (awaiting the return
of Jesus), we also need to be “Epiphany People” who reveal the love of God and
the salvation in Jesus to the world. We “epiphany” or “manifest” God to the
world when we love one another (John 13:35) and live out the commands of God
through radical obedience, faith, and sacrifice.
I think John the Baptist said it well in Matthew 3:8,
“Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to
God.” And as John taught, 1 John 2:6, “Anyone who says he is a
Christian should live as Christ did.” The Bible is clear that if we choose
Christ and want to be a Christian, then we choose to represent Him to the
world. 2 Corinthians 5:20, “So we are Christ’s ambassadors; God is
making his appeal through us. We speak for Christ when we plead, “Come back to
If you have been a born-again Christian for some time, this
should come to you as no surprise. However, honestly, if you were taught that
you only accepted Christ to “go to Heaven” then this radically obedient “living
for Jesus” daily lifestyle could pose some concern and challenge. The point is,
a Christian is an “Epiphany” to the world. We illumine the light of Christ to
reveal Him to the lost.
Matthew 5:14-16, “You
are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No
one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on
a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let
your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your
heavenly Father.”
That is the faith of Epiphany! We, as Disciples, must make other
Disciples of Jesus. Our faith is more than just “going to Heaven” after we die.
It is more than attending worship services at Church on Sunday.
Being a Christian is a “24/7/365” and “all the time” faith. It is our
identity that emanates from all that we are and from everything we are involved
with daily. In other words, faith doesn’t have an “off” switch. We simply are….always. Regardless.
Epiphany reminds me of the chorus from the Christmastide
Hymn, “We Three Kings,” that declare “Oh, star of wonder, star of night, star
with royal beauty bright. Westward leading, still proceeding, guide us to thy
perfect light.” Let’s remember to light the world with the love and perfect
light of Jesus. Let’s live out our faith of Epiphany.