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Clinging to Good

We read some very strong language in Romans 12:9, that tells us to “hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” When it comes to “hating evil” and “clinging to good” we know there is a much deeper meaning than what first appears. The key to unlocking the meaning of these two commands is the word “hate” and “cling.” 

We have already learned that “hating” evil means to “abhor” it or to find it “disgusting.” We must grow so strong, spiritually, (sanctification) that anything not of God (that which is evil) will be disgusting to us. We recognize evil and vow to never entertain it. 

In that same verse, we also see a different pursuit which is the exact opposite of evil. It tells us to “cling” to what is good. So, how exactly, does one cling to good? Our answer lies in the Greek word for “cling” which is the verb “κολλάω.” The translation of this word means “glue,” “to be joined” or “to keep company.” The meaning can also mean “to fasten firmly together” or “to join one’s self to.” 

We must embrace goodness and all the things that it spiritually, morally and ethically endorses. We must get to the point where, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can firmly fasten to and join together with goodness in order to build up our mind, soul, heart and strength. In other words, we fall in love with goodness and vow never to divorce from it.   

Now, what kind of “goodness” are we speaking of? What do we really mean by things that are “good?” When we speak of “good” it implies those things that are honorable, upright, and beneficial. For example, this form of “good,” empowers us to love our neighbors as ourselves, and it will help develop within us the fruits of the Spirit to live out love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. 

When we embrace “goodness” and choose to “stick to it like glue,” we will begin to live out God’s plan for us to be holy as He is Holy. In the teachings of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, he calls this “going on towards perfection” or “sanctification.” By clinging to good, we are obediently and sacrificially rendering spiritual acts of worship by presenting our bodies (lives) as living sacrifices that are holy and acceptable to God. 

Clinging to good and sticking to good “like glue” is, in all reality, a full surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We consecrate ourselves to God by forsaking the world and willfully setting ourselves apart in order to accomplish God’s will for our lives. It is fully giving of ourselves, 100%, by allowing the Holy Spirit to work in us to help us to become holy as God is Holy. 

I like what the Free Methodist Church says about this: “…believers must give themselves without reservation to God. They freely yield all to the purposes of God and devote every desire and ambition to the service of Christ rather than to self….Christians cannot be delivered from the dominion of sin if they permit self to reign in their lives. They cannot serve two masters….”  (2019 Book of Discipline; Paragraph 3107).

When we turn from evil and “cling” or “stick like glue” to what is good, we are choosing to love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind and to have no other gods before Him. We can love our neighbors as ourselves. We can find evil disgusting and embrace the goodness of unconditional love. 

We are told in the Old Testament: Amos 5:14, “Do what is good and run from evil so that you may live!” We are reminded again in the New Testament: 1 Thessalonians 5:22, “Stay away from every kind of evil.” Christians should not keep company with the Devil. We should be investing our life in a close, personal and intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father. 

As St. Augustine wrote, ““It is good for me to stick close to my God. This will constitute the perfect and eternal wisdom, as it will constitute the truly happy life, because to attain it is to attain the eternal and supreme good, and to stick close to God forever is the sum of our good.” 

May we find the evil of this world disgusting and worth avoiding. May we discover that God is not only good, but that we can cling to His goodness! With Jesus as Savior and the Holy Spirit’s power within us, may we cling to God and stick to Him “like glue!” 

Click the link to enjoy a song by Mylon LeFevre: "Love God - Hate Sin"

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