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Matters of Opinion

As a pastor, I have always thought of the people sitting in the Sanctuary during a Sunday morning worship service was much like the “one-room school house” I have seen many times in episodes of “Little House on the Prairie.” Why, so?
Regardless of what grade the children were in and no matter what level of their true knowledge and wisdom, they were still altogether in one room learning together under the guidance of one teacher.
However, in the learning process, it was expected that all students show patience and respect towards their fellow students who struggled with learning or were much younger and at a different level of curriculum.
It would be cruel for a senior student to laugh and jest at a six-year-old learning to read for the first time. The difference between 12th grade and Kindergarten is beyond obvious and should be understood and respected. It is no different in the Church.
Sitting in our church pews (chairs) each Sunday is a group of people who are literally in “different grades” in the “school of faith.” Some are “senior saints” while others are struggling in the grade of “kindergarten” because they are new to the church or recently “born again” and have been experiencing everything for the very first time.
There are those who are just 2-3 years into salvation are struggling with doctrine, church membership, and learning to live in holiness while those 40-50 years into their faith are solid believers and able to lead Bible studies, small groups, and serve in key leadership roles in Church.
We must keep in mind that everyone attending Church are all at different levels of their faith. Therefore, we must respect and accept each other at whatever “level” they may be on their faith journey. And yes, the Apostle Paul had something to say about that! We find it in Romans 14:1, “Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters.”
 Let’s first clarify what Paul is NOT saying. He isn’t singling out any particular person or group as being the ones who are weak. He’s talking to all believers. We all have our weaknesses and blind-spots to work on in seeking holiness.
Neither is Paul addressing preferences or opinions. For example, I love the old Hymns that are rich in doctrine and are theologically solid. With that, I cannot look down on a fellow believer as “weak” because they don’t understand these hymns and would prefer to sing more praise choruses in worship. We can “agree to disagree” and sing together.
What I believe Paul is hitting on is found in his statement not to be “quarreling over disputable matters.” This has nothing to do with fussing over “wine or grape juice” for communion, or if we should have crosses, banners, candles and other religious articles decorating the sanctuary. Paul says we must NEVER argue over our opinionsPaul says to “accept” each other regardless of where we are in our faith journey.
The word “accept” simply means to “receive” or “welcome.” So, Paul says to welcome them as a fellow believer in love without judging or condemning because they like or prefer things you don’t or possibly see a different application of key Bible passages than your interpretation. You can “agree to disagree” and still get along together.
Growing in our faith and living sanctified to become holy is not easy. In fact, it is hard and challenging in a sinful world. So, growing spiritually is like growing physically – everyone grows at different rates as God works in their life.
The word “accept” is powerful because it allows room for growth and maturity to continue. Bashing them over the head with rules, regulations, and stipulations trying to “change them” or “turn them from their sins” will only stunt their growth and possibly turn them from God. Just because they “aren’t like you” doesn’t mean they must change and become like you.
This is nothing more than my opinion, but if your differences within a particular church body are so different, challenging, frustrating, and stunting your own growth, then perhaps the easiest solution towards “Romans 14:1” is to first study the background of the Church you are attending.
I think the matter is not a “people problem” but a “denomination problem.” I think your issues could be resolved by simply understanding the denomination of the Church you are currently attending. Find out WHY they are Baptist, Methodist or Presbyterian. Ask the pastor to help you understand the basics of that denomination and what builds the foundation for being that denomination. This is very important.
For example, if you enjoy and thrive in the church that is formatted with deep formality such as hymns, responsive readings, choir music and sermons delivered by a pastor in elaborate vestments such as robes/stoles or cassocks, then you are probably going to struggle with Romans 14:1, in a Baptist, Pentecostal or Assemblies of God church. You might want to find and explore the Anglican, Episcopal or Methodist churches.
Your faith is not proven by how strictly you go about obeying rules, regulations, laws and ordinances. Your faith is how you live out your faith spiritually in pursuit of holiness and the commands of Jesus.
You can follow all the rules and still miss heaven. It’s not so much about rules as it is about Jesus. It will never hurt to focus more on ensuring you have yourself in order before you begin worrying about trying to get others ‘in order.’
Above all, just remember this time-tested charge: In the essentials, unity. In the non-essentials, liberty. In all things, love (charity).  

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