While listening to a religious devotional program the other day, I heard two distinct phrases from the New Testament reading out of Hebrews 10:32-39. They are from verses 35 and 39 which state, “so, don’t throw away your confidence,” and “we do not belong to those who shrink back.”
The world is difficult, challenging and obviously bent to evil and selfishness. It is rather easy sometimes to become discouraged with the state of the Church, Believers, and even our own direction of life. The urge to quit, surrender or to just flat out stop trying so hard or refraining from putting forth so much effort has come to mind for consideration.
This is where the passage in Hebrews comes to encourage us to keep the faith and stay grounded in Jesus Christ. Nothing that this world could offer us is of any worth or value in comparison to our priceless faith in Jesus Christ and spending eternity with Him. Even hardship, difficulty, disappointments, loss, and any of life’s traumas do not contain any reasonable excuse to justify giving up.
The word “confidence” is the same word translated “boldness” back in Hebrews 10:19. We must continue to live boldly for Jesus no matter what the cost and remain steadfast in our faith.
It is saying that we should never toss aside our faith in a hasty retreat simply due to persecution, ridicule, mocking, or others resistance or rejections to our beliefs. We must continue to “walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7).
Just because “life isn’t fair” or misfortunes befall us is no excuse to stop going to church, associating with other believers, reading the Bible and maintaining our relationship with Jesus. We don’t “shrink back” (verse 39). That is, we don't just "walk off" on God or "take a break" from our faith. The phrase "shrink back" implies we are on the road to apostasy.
May we never become “spiritual cowards” by “returning to the world” and waving the white-flag of surrender. We never retreat. We must guard against staying quiet or blending into the world so that “nobody notices” or bothers us about being a Christian. There is a saying “If you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? Or, would there be so little evidence that you are set free?”
We must never abandon our faith in times of difficulties, uncertainties or persecution. Let us remember that endurance shows the world that your faith is genuine and sincere. Our enduring faith rests in what Jesus has done not only in the past, but what He is doing now and will be doing well into the future.
The Bible, along with our own past experiences, contains more than enough credible evidence that we can live fully confident in God. So, remain confident...and don't "shrink back!" Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”