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Showing posts from 2018

Joy....Now More Than Ever!

Recently, I have become even more aware of a growing trend within me. It seems that I am encountering an unusual amount of disappointment that has been "challenging my joy!" I am not saying that I am purposely trying to be a pessimist or “looking” for every situation to be where “the glass is half empty instead of half full.” I am talking about things that are more than just a misunderstanding when things turn out differently than I expected. It is missing the mark or out-right failure of meeting the standards that catches my attention. For instance, I pay extra for 3-day shipping for an on-line order only for it to arrive a week later with no apologies or refund. I come into work on my day off in order to meet with a friend only for them to call at the last minute to say they can’t make it. I order and pay for a gift on-line and choose for it to be “picked up at the store” (because it is in stock and I want to surprise someone) only to get an email stating “we’re sorr...

Merry X-Mas!

It inevitably happens around this time of year…a card, gift bag, or present with the “abbreviation” of the holiday greeting “Merry X-Mas!” Merry WHAT??? Wait just a minute! In today’s societal norms of “being offended” by everything, I might be quick to emphatically state, “Don't you dare replace the name of "Christ" with an "X!" Now, of course, I'm being a little facetious, but in all honesty, I can't tell you how irritating it was and how angry it made me when I would see someone who would use an "X" instead of "Christ" when displaying or writing out the word "Christmas." The same was true for any marquee, business or sign that displayed that big 'ol "X" instead of the name of "Christ." I thought "how lazy, irreverent, and sacrilegious must you be to 'x-out' Christ?" Until I learned an interesting theological point behind the "X" did I finally become comfortable...

The Most Difficult Word in the Bible

There are quite a few mind-twisting concepts, statements, and words in the Bible such as "propitiation," "sanctification," and "regeneration." If you think those are relatively tame, I challenge you to tackle the book of Revelation. But, seriously, despite these things, I feel there is still  one word  not many have thought about as being a  difficult word  to understand, comprehend, and live out. I am talking about the word  "walk."  So you respond,  "are you kidding? The word 'w-a-l-k' as in 'putting one foot in front of the other?'"  Yes, THAT word. After all, “walking” is referenced well over 200 times in the Bible. The first reference to walking comes as early as Genesis 3:8 , where Adam and Eve “heard the Lord God walking about in the Garden in the cool of the evening.” Also, one of the most preached “walking story” of Jesus is the post-resurrection event of traveling along with the two disciples on the roa...

Lateral Violence

Have you ever had something go terribly wrong, fall apart, or become rejected only to find out that a co-worker, family member or dear friend was the "culprit" behind the dismantling process?  Nothing is more painful than betrayal etched in the cold stone of slander and malice. Have you ever had a neighbor or co-worker who just cannot accept you and is constantly criticizing your work, talking viciously about you behind your back, and doing what they can to frustrate you and keep you on edge? Then guess what? You are a recipient of  Lateral Violence.  This is an interesting concept I came across that seems to be more prevalent today than ever before. According to the "definition," Lateral Violence is bullying that takes the form of back-stabbing, innuendo, infighting, sabotage, verbal affronts, failure to respect privacy, and others. This bullying always includes an imbalance of power, an intent to harm, and the threat of further aggression. This usu...

The "Law of the Garbage Truck"

There are some people who can't seem to talk about anything but what is hurting them, what isn't fair, what stinks and how bad things are at the moment. Whether it is life in general, politics, a Facebook post, or how things are at Church, they are constantly "dumping their garbage" on every possible unsuspecting "victim" who happens to accidentally use the greeting "so, how's it going?" For some, you get it whether you want to hear it or not! That reminds me of the   "Law of the Garbage Truck" . ...which is told: "One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his brakes, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was rea...

To Advance the Gospel

I read with interest the introductory words of the Apostle Paul in  Philippians 1:12 when he talks of his own personal hardship and possible disappointments, sadness, and struggles. He said in  verse 12 ,  "Now I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel."  I honestly don't know if I could say those words with full assurance while sitting in prison especially when I know I haven't committed any crime or broke any law. I wonder how many of us, when faced with a set-back, illness, job loss, or other life-challenging situation, would step back and happily exclaim  "well, at least this will advance the gospel of Christ!"  Don't get me wrong, because as we know from the book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3, there IS a season to mourn and to grieve  loss, to weep because of disappointment and set-backs. There is also a season to be angry and to ask questions during these momentous t...

Love Despite Failure

Many I have spoken with through the years have had a concept of failure as being "final." They express that "all is lost" or that they should just give up, throw in the towel and quit because "it's over."  I think our society is too quick in sending these kind of messages. Just look at how easy it is to go from "Hero to Zero" today. Look at how quick our world will disown, discredit and destroy those who fail "just once." There just doesn't seem to be even an ounce of "mercy" left today! I am sure the Disciples of Jesus were feeling like they totally blew it when they suddenly realized what they had done...abandoned Jesus (in the Garden of Gethsemane) at the most crucial time in human history (when Jesus was arrested). Unfortunately, Judas took the "easy wrong" instead of the "hard right" and committed suicide by hanging himself. Peter cursed up a storm to emphatically deny knowing Je...

Have We Become Like Samson?

There has been some discussion recently about what each of us considered as some of "the scariest" scripture in the Bible. Of course, most would probably say that "blaspheming the Holy Spirit" would rank up near the top of the list (Mark 3:28-30). However, I came across one that startled me a little because, quite frankly, it had never struck me like this before. It comes out of the book of  Judges  as part of what we know as "The Story of Samson and Delilah." It is  Chapter 16, Verse 20  and it reads,  "Then she cried, 'Samson, the Philistines are here!' When he awoke from his sleep, he said, 'I will escape as I did before and shake myself free!' But he did not know that the Lord had left him." Wow...can we, as believers, actually get comfortable enough in our faith or even become so routine in our walk with God that we don't even notice when we start "drifting away" from Him? Has our ministry lost its...

God is....WHAT?

   One of the joys of reading the Scriptures multiple times is "finding" something different each experience. It is most noted when, despite numerous readings, something "jumps out" that I never "caught" before. Almost like an epiphany, I think to myself "why haven't I seen this before?" Well, another one of those moments occurred as I was reading Luke 6:27-36. It is the discourse on "how" to treat our enemies. Yes, we know that if someone is an enemy, we love them. If they happen to curse us, we bless them instead. Even if they out-right hate us, we do good to them in return.  The hard part (for me at least) is that when they obviously go "out of their way" to hurt me, I am supposed to pray for them. Why, because Jesus instructs us to love them...unconditionally as he loves me. So, we "get the picture" on our enemy. I thought. This is the "ta-dah" moment. Tucked away in the ...


Matthias the Apostle!  No, I didn't spell that wrong nor did I actually mean "Matthew." Were you aware of the Apostle Matthias? This small notation is found in the book of  Acts  in Chapter One. There seems to be a dilemma. Judas (who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver) is dead (he committed suicide) and a replacement must be chosen. There are two men found worthy of the position. So, an election must take place. Only one can be chosen Now, it appears a troubling decision is at hand. Two men, Matthias and Barsabbas (Justus) are the candidates to become the newest Apostle.  Here are two men with the credentials necessary to  "take over this apostolic ministry which Judas left to go where he belongs."  (1:25)  The remaining Apostles cast lots and the election goes to Matthias . The new Apostle is chosen. Here is where it gets strange. Matthias disappears from the very moment of his appointment. In other words, Matthias leaves...

Jesus: Perfecter of "social networking"

We are grateful for the technology of social networking companies that allows access to one another. This connection spans the globe and instantaneously puts us in touch without any cost to us. Posting pictures, telling a story, griping about an unfortunate incident, or just wanting to make a statement, we are glad for social media platforms that gives us this outlet. This is nothing new. It just a new means of expressing a time-old tradition of communicating with one another.When Jesus gave us the "Great Commission" to "go unto the world" to make disciples, he was initiating what we would call, today, "social networking." I guess you could say that Jesus invented it...sorry Facebook! I think the Great Commission is much like "Facebook" and a lot like "Twitter" where we share our lives and our faith by everyday, ordinary means of communication and socializing with one another in verbal and visual ways. Helping a neighbor in their ga...